I’m Officer Schild, your College Place School Resource Officer with a safety tip.

Today’s talk is about Snap Chat. If your child has this app, here are some good things to know. Snapchat is the number one used app for teenagers today.

Why do kids want to have a snap chat account?

1.) It’s very popular and most kids use it.

2.) The filters on snap chat are fun to use and play with.

3.) Can automatically hide information from the parents.

4.) Has a secret pass code picture vault.

5.) Will automatically log devices out when logged into on another device.

Some things to think about if and when your child gets a snap chat account:

1. As parents, you can’t see the content that is coming in or going out.

2. Makes it easier to do inappropriate behavior on a social media app.

3. Snap chat can broadcast your child’s location within 10 feet, making it easier for predators to locate and speak with them.

4. Snap chat has an A.I. feature that kids can become dependent with.

5. There are hidden features on Snap Chat that include my eyes-only feature. This feature will have a pin code if your child has set this up. This will provide additional content they can hide from you.

6. Snap chat has many features that make it difficult for parents to monitor and keeps kids safe.

7. Snap Chat is designed to be addictive.

Snap Chat comes with a lot of responsibility and should be strongly considered waiting till the age of 16 to 18 years of age before getting a snap chat account. It will always be difficult to help your child understand these dangers and why they are not allowed to have something their friends have.

Officer Schild