The mission of the CPPS Transportation Department is to transport our students to and from school and to school-related activities and sports in a safe and effective manner.




Melito Ramirez
Transportation Supervisor


Bus transportation in the College Place School District is provided for those students living one mile or more from our schools. All transportation requests for resident students are made in the student Online Registration section of Skyward Family Access. Please contact your student's school secretary if you need assistance. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL NEW AND RETURNING STUDENTS MUST FILL OUT A FORM EACH YEAR.

Non-resident students enrolled in the College Place School District are not eligible for regular busing services but could qualify for services if there is an existing route or stop available. Please contact the transportation department to determine if your student can be assigned to a route.


For the most current busing information regarding your student(s) route, download the My Ride K-12 App and follow the steps . Should you have questions about your student's stop or route, please feel free to contact the Transportation Department. *Due to new student enrollment, bus routes are subject to change.*

Picking Students up from School
You MUST notify the school office by 2:00 pm for Transportation changes. This will allow enough time to notify the student's teacher of the change. Once students are loaded we will not hold buses to take your student off of the bus.

School Bus Safety Tips
1- Arrive to the bus stop early.
2- Wait in line 10 feet from where the bus stops.
3- Wait until the bus stops and the doors are open before approaching the bus.
4- Never walk in back of the bus.
5- Look both ways before crossing the street.
6- Stay seated and talk quietly so the driver is not distracted.