CPPS Winter Sports Registration Information

Davis, Sager and CPHS Winter Sports Information\r\nBoys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Winter Cheer & Wrestling


Winter Student Athlete Registration:

  • Update and/or create your Final Forms Account\r\nCreate or update your account on this link to Final Forms or visit cphawksathletics.com\r\nBoth Parents & Student sections need to be completed.  You may need to add your Winter Sport on the student account. If you played Fall sports, you will still need to update your account forms.

  • Pay your ASB Card fee, if you haven’t already!  Required for CPHS and Sager only. ASB cards can be paid for online at CPPS.org (Payments tab) or directly to the Sager or CPHS front office.

  • Have a current Sports Physical on file.\r\nSport Physicals expire after 2 years.  Upload it to Final Forms or submit it to the CPHS Athletic Office. Sports physicals are required for any participation at Sager and CPHS, not required for Davis 5th Grade Basketball.

  • New forms are required in the registration process for Covid Testing (more specific news to come very soon), if you have already registered, there are new required forms for you to complete.


WA DOH & WIAA Guidelines will be Followed:  \r\nAthletes will be required to bring an approved face covering to all practices and competitions. The scenarios student athletes will wear a face covering will be determined and communicated as the season approaches.


Anticipated Start Dates:


*More information will be shared soon regarding specific locations, times, and coach contacts*


Davis 5th Grade Boys Basketball - November 1 


Sager 7/8th Boys Basketball - November 1


Sager 6th Boys Basketball - November 8


CPHS Girls Basketball - November 15


CPHS Boys Basketball - November 15


CPHS Coed Wrestling - November 15


CPHS Winter Cheer - Tryout Dates (required) Nov. 8, 9, 10, 12


Sager 7/8th Coed Wrestling - January 3, 2022 (tentative)


Sager 7/8 Girls Basketball - January 3, 2022 (tentative)


Sager 6th Girls Basketball - TBD (Jan. 10 tentative)


Davis 5th Grade Girls Basketball - TBD (Jan. 10 tentative)


Navigation and Registration Support:\r\nAthletics Registration links & information: cphawksathletics.com (‘MORE’ tab)


Direct Link to Final Forms Registration and Final Forms Parent Playbook English/Spanish


CPHS Athletic Office at 509-522-3312 or Mrs. Esparza at lesparza@cpps.org. \r\nCPHS Athletic Director - Kenneth James kjames@cpps.org\t\r\nSager Athletic Director - Donald Ponds dponds@cpps.org 


Follow the Hawks/Raiders:\r\nCPPS Athletics Facebook Page\t\t\t\tInstagram:  @cphshawks_athletics 

CPPS Winter Sports Families,


The Washington State Department of Health has issued requirements for High Contact Indoor Athletics. For Winter Sports this includes Basketball, Wrestling and Winter Cheer.  The WIAA has adopted these requirements and as such, there will be three changes in our ability to offer these programs.  We understand that there may be some disagreement with these requirements, however, CPPS will comply to allow our students to participate.  We thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

  1. Traditional practice times may change. Every effort will be made to ensure that we are equitable, however as we have seen in the Fall, the more we can isolate teams, the less likely an entire program will be affected by Covid. 

  2. As noted in the requirements below, twice weekly testing will occur for Winter Sport Athletes (High Contact Indoor Sports). These will be rapid tests approved by the WA DOH. These tests will occur twice weekly and be scheduled in coordination with CPPS Health Services and the CPPS Athletic Department to meet the requirements.

  3. Only unvaccinated athletes, coaches and team personnel are required to take part in the screening testing.  Those fully vaccinated who have provided proof of vaccination will not be required to complete screening testing.


College Place School District, as required to allow our students to participate, will test all Winter sport athletes twice weekly per the requirements below.


K-12 Requirements WA State Department of Health- pg. 19


\t*Updated requirements as of Oct. 4th, 2021

  • To ensure safe participation in athletics, schools must institute screening testing protocols for unvaccinated athletes, coaches, trainers, and other personnel who work with athletes in high-risk indoor sports. 

  • Screening testing is required for all unvaccinated athletes in high-risk indoor sports (basketball, wrestling, water polo, and indoor cheer). Fully vaccinated athletes do not have to participate in screening testing. Screening testing of unvaccinated participants must be performed twice weekly using a molecular or antigen test. A rapid antigen test must be performed on all unvaccinated athletes within 24 hours of the competition. The second test during the week should be performed 3-4 days prior to or after the competition and may be a molecular or antigen test. In a multi-day event, testing should occur before each day of competition. If a molecular test is performed, the athlete does not need to quarantine while awaiting screening test results; unless they are exhibiting symptoms then they must isolate. 


Any questions or concerns can be directed to the CPPS Health Services or the CPPS Athletic Department. 


For more information regarding extracurricular activity guidelines visit www.doh.wa.gov.



Jim Fry \t\tSuperintendent, College Place Public Schools


Kenneth James \tAthletics and Activities Director, CPHS  kjames@cpps.org


Crystal Smith Health Services Supervisor, CPPS csmith@cpps.org