CPHS ATHLETICS ARE COMING BACK! Athletic Opportunities starting Oct. 19!

CPHS Families,


It is with much excitement I share with you that CPHS Athletics will open up athletic workout opportunities for many of our sports programs starting the week of October 19 and ending on Dec. 19, 2020! These opportunities are completely optional for CPHS athletes grades 9-12. The intent of these opportunities are to replace the lost time for programs normally offered in the Summer Coaching Window from early June to late July in normal circumstances. We know our athletes are ready to come back and get to work, while enjoying the sports they love!


As many of you know, we have been planning and working hard to prepare for this opportunity for a long time now, and it is finally here in front of us! Student safety is the focus as we work with the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA), Washington State and Local Department of Health (DOH), and the National Federation of High School Sports (NFHS). We will follow all rules and guidance outlined in this WIAA Return-to-Play Guidelines that was updated last week in accordance with the Governor's Safe Start Washington plan. 


These training opportunities provide athletes time to begin conditioning and training to prepare for future sports seasons that will be played between Late December and the end of June as part of the WIAA's Modified Sports Seasons Schedule due to COVID-19.  This will allow our coaches to guide our athletes through proper strength training, endurance, agility, flexibility and practices to prepare their bodies and minds for the eventual competitions we hope to have in the future.  This slow return to sports, with proper training, can help limit injuries in the future if done correctly. We also recognize the time missed from sports and the need for our athletes to rejoin their teammates and coaches for their social-emotional well being.


A very important list of reminders, updates and steps to prepare for are highlighted below. Please take the time to look this over carefully so you are aware of what comes next, and what is required to access these programs. Stay tuned for more information regarding Athletics coming later this week.


Complete/Update Athlete Registration in Final Forms:


All parents and students must complete registration on Final Forms prior to stepping on campus for athletics. Please be sure to sign up for all sports your athlete is considering so that they can receive applicable information. Even if you have already finished registration recently, students and parents must re-sign the "COVID-19 Athletic/Activity Screening". If students have not fully registered, they will not be allowed to participate in athletics or be on campus during practice times. Click here for Final Forms.  If you have questions about registration, please contact Jaimie Derting (jderting@cpps.org) or Kenneth James (kjames@cpps.org)\r\n


*When registering be sure to select any/all sports of interest and sign up for Iron Hawks if you anticipate accessing morning weight training and conditioning programs. If you do not select a sport, registration will be incomplete.\r\n


Sports Program Workout Schedules: 


The majority of our sports programs will offer their workouts and training 2 days a week for the time being. Later this week we will send out more information regarding dates, times, locations and other items to consider for your sports of choice. Your coaches will also be sending out specific information regarding their programs so be on the lookout for that information. 


Guidelines and Communication for On-Site Athletics:


A communication document will be sent out in the next few days to help outline all requirements and rules for being on site. This will include all guidance around topics such as masks, water bottles, appropriate attire, indoor/outdoor facilities, student COVID Screening, and so much more.




There will be no competition with other schools during this time. The WIAA will not permit contests or scrimmages with other schools, even local schools here in the valley until further notice. Our focus is getting kids safely prepared and conditioned for upcoming competitive seasons. 


Athletic Information Sources:


-cpps.org/o/athletics (news feed)


-Final Forms (be sure email information is up to date)


-CPPS Athletics Facebook Page


-Instagram @cphshawks_athletics


We are excited to offer additional opportunities and look forward to safely meeting with our athletes. Please pay attention to additional information that will be sent out as we continue to plan. \r\n


Please contact me if you have questions.
