Fall Athletic Registration Open Online- Final Forms



CPHS and Sager Fall Sports Registration is now open online using our new system Final Forms!  Parents, please follow this link SPORTS REGISTRATION or go to the CPPS.ORG Athletic Page for Registration Access, or type this URL into you browser https://collegeplace-wa.finalf... . 


*We will also have computers available and support at the Registration Fair on Aug. 9 from 8-4 pm at the CPHS Commons! All Registration must be completed before the beginning of Fall Practice in order to participate. 


Attached are the instructions and guidance for Final Forms Online Registration!


The following Sports are available this Fall:


CPHS Football- 1st practice Aug. 16


CPHS Cross Country, Volleyball, and Girls Soccer- 1st practice Aug. 21


Sager 7/8th Grade Football, Cross Country, and Volleyball- 1st practice Aug. 21


Sager 6th Grade Volleyball will begin approximately Monday, Sept. 11th


Final Forms Parent Playbook Link


Final Forms Parent Account Creation Letter